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1FIXTURE ACCESSORIES MOUNTING turnbuckle down wand deep regress snoot pole / tree mount pendant diamondprism diffused globe eyebolt mount opal shade clear globe wall mount spot opal globe standard white24Vup to 210 feetIP67 780 lm TECHNOLOGYVOLTAGERUN LENGTHWET RATED 23Skyline is a light weight, versatile Outdoor Cable System. Each fi xture has a 1" aperture, with up to 780 lm. 41" 1" 9 1 / 4 " 8 1 3 / 1 6 " 6 " 5 7 / 8 " 5 1 / 2 " 1" 1" 9 9 / 16 " 9 1 / 8 " 6 5/16 " 5 13/16 " 6 3 / 16 " 1" 1 3/4 " 6 " Specify Length " EXT-SKY-D EXT-SKY-S EXT-SKY-DI EXT-SKY-SI EXT-SKY-P Part NumberPart NumberPart Number down spot down iris spot iris pendant DOWNSPOTPENDANT down & spotdown iris & spot irispendant 5 688 MAXWELL IRVINE, CA 92618 P 714.259.9959 ACTUAL SIZENext >